Parent Bulletin: For the Week of 8/7 and 8/10-8/14
Language Arts:
We will be studying the eight parts of speech!
EQ: What are the eight parts of speech and how are each one used?
GPS Standard: ELA5C1
person, place, thing, or idea
is a word that is used in place of noun or pronoun
A word that expresses strong feelings or emotion
word used to show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. Examples: in, under, near, behind, to, from, over
word that joins words or groups of words
A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They generally answer one of four questions: how, when, where, or to what extent.
a word that modifieds a noun or pronoun and answers the questions what kind, which one, how many or how much
word expressing action or state of being
Reading: Main Idea (What’s the Big Picture!)
GPS Standard: ELA5R1
EQ: What is the main idea? How can we identify the main idea?
The Main Idea is the most important idea about a topic.
Details: are used to support the main idea!
Effective Citizenship – GPS Standard: 5CG1A, B; CG4, E3A
EQ: What does it mean to be an effective citizen?
Vocabulary: responsibility, citizen, volunteer, naturalization, register, E pluribus unum, Bill of Rights
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Welcome Fifth Grade Students!
Welcome Students and Parents,
I want to welcome you to my classroom website, this website along with my weekly Friday Notes email will serve as an important communication tool for you. I plan to post assignments, classroom experiences and important due dates!
In the coming weeks, I will have a wealth of information on this site for you! Feel free to email me at and I look forward to having a wonderful year!
See you Soon!
I want to welcome you to my classroom website, this website along with my weekly Friday Notes email will serve as an important communication tool for you. I plan to post assignments, classroom experiences and important due dates!
In the coming weeks, I will have a wealth of information on this site for you! Feel free to email me at and I look forward to having a wonderful year!
See you Soon!
Monday, March 30, 2009
5th Grade CRCT Parent Night!
CRCT Parent Night will be on Thursday, April 2nd from 6:00 to 7:00.
Please plan now to attend!
In Mrs. Roberts room.
IF your child is not in 5th grade - please know you are welcome!
Friday, March 13, 2009
New Unit: Vocabulary
Our new unit is going to focus on Vocabulary - this has been ongoing in the classes however Vocabulary encompasses more than just learning the meanings of words.
The following will be addressed and should serve as a review in all grade levels. In addition to working on this, we will be reviewing for the CRCT and reading out of our class novels.
GPS standards:
6R3 a-c
7 R1
Vocabulary Unit:
Determining the Meanings of Unknown Words
Context Clues - the words or phrases or sentences around or near an unfamiliar word that helps you understand the meaning.
Using a Dictionary or Thesaurus
Common Roots - the main part of the word that gives you the meaning.
Common Prefixes - a group of letters added to the beginning of a word that changes the word's meaning.
Common Suffixes- a group of letters added to the end of a word that changes the word's meaning.
Words with Multiple Meanings - words that have more than one meaning - using context clues to figure out the meanings.
Antonyms - words that have opposite meanings.
Homophones - words that have the same pronunciation but are spelled differently and have different meanings.
Synonyms- words that have the same or almost the same meanings.
Family Reading Night!
Imagine Wesley International Academy's
Family Reading Night
Multi-Purpose Room
March 18, 2009
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Join us for a fun evening celebrating reading!
Please RSVP to Ms. Hall at
Family Reading Night
Multi-Purpose Room
March 18, 2009
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Join us for a fun evening celebrating reading!
Please RSVP to Ms. Hall at
Friday, March 6, 2009
ITBS Testing Schedule for 5th grade ONLY!
5th grade students will test next week! Please allow your students to get plenty of rest! Please bring two #2 pencils and they may bring a snack. Please have the students bring a book to read in between testing periods.
The following is the schedule:
Reading 80 minutes
Language Arts 88 minutes
Math 85 minutes
Social Studies 70 minutes
Friday NO TEST
Maps/Reference Materials 65 minutes
The following is the schedule:
Reading 80 minutes
Language Arts 88 minutes
Math 85 minutes
Social Studies 70 minutes
Friday NO TEST
Maps/Reference Materials 65 minutes
Friday, February 27, 2009
Please join us for the 5th grade writing pep rally
to get our students
for the WRITING EXAM on March 4th!
WHEN: Tuesday, March 3rd
TIME: 3:45 – 4:30
(students must be picked up promptly at 4:30!)
Week of 2/27!
All MYP students created centipede text feature organizers. These organizers were created by the students to allow them a more visual and constructivist approach in learning textbook features. The MYP students also participated in a textbook feature scavenger hunt.
All MYP students began presenting their Barack Obama Biography Web Projects this week. These projects were based off the biography "Yes We Can" and the students created poster biography webs listing facts about six categories of Barack Obama's life.
All MYP students began presenting their Barack Obama Biography Web Projects this week. These projects were based off the biography "Yes We Can" and the students created poster biography webs listing facts about six categories of Barack Obama's life.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
This Week 2/6!
This week we finished with Organizational Structure - the last structure was Categorizing. I'm excited as now we moved into Informational Text Features Unit. This is a very important unit - more than half of the questions from the CRCT will be based on Text Features and Graphic Features. We started defining the text features using a special book in which provides examples of each feature. We then started on our first Informational textbook "Searching for Lost Tombs" this book has a chapter on the Chinese Terracotta Army which we have a field trip quickly approaching! With this prior knowledge walking in the door, it will help enhance the educational experience of our field trip and the students should be able to ask thought provoking questions to the guides and answer some of their questions as well!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dear Parents,
Our school is sponsoring MEN DO READ DAY - which is a day in which we have men come in and read works from African American authors. I'm asking for volunteers for the entire day which is on February 10th. Please feel free to email me with your time and I will have the selections ready for you!
If you would like to see more information please visit for information.
This is a perfect way to get your volunteer hours!
Our school is sponsoring MEN DO READ DAY - which is a day in which we have men come in and read works from African American authors. I'm asking for volunteers for the entire day which is on February 10th. Please feel free to email me with your time and I will have the selections ready for you!
If you would like to see more information please visit for information.
This is a perfect way to get your volunteer hours!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
February Novels due by 2/9/09!
We have enjoyed reading about our new president!
Now, we are moving on to our February novels.
Please have these books in the classroom by 2/9/09.
5th grade BOYS:
Bud Not Buddy - Christopher Paul Curtis
5th grade GIRLS:
Bud Not Buddy - Christopher Paul Curtis
The Watson's Go To Birmingham - Christopher Paul Curtis
6th grade GIRLS:
7th grade GIRLS:
Chandra's Secret - Allan Stratton
6th grade BOYS:
7th grade BOYS:
Elijah of Buxton - Christopher Paul Curtis
New Unit: Text Features and Graphic Features
New Unit: Text Features and Graphic Features
Starts Feb. 4th
Starts Feb. 4th
All grades will be introduced to this new unit:
Text Features and Graphic Features
Text Features of Informational texts are parts of a selection that help you locate facts quickly.
Graphic Features of Informational texts show information that is easy to read and interpret.
IB Profile Attributes: Knowledgeable, Inquirers
GPS Standards: 5R 1W3, 6R2(C),7 R2(C)
This unit will encompass learning to identify in literature and define the following:
Table of Contents
Charts – table
Graphs – Pie, Line, Bar
Boldface Terms
Maps – Descriptive, Statistical, Weather
Friday, January 23, 2009
CRCT - Online Practice Tests
Your child has been given their CRCT online practice test user id's and passwords. They have also been assigned a test and due date. Please initial their CRCT online chart, stating that they did complete the test and you saw the results. We will each week go online in the classroom and review each test.
Test Due Date: 1/28
Test Number to complete:
5th grade: 89
6th grade: 93
7th grade: 96
Test Due Date: 1/28
Test Number to complete:
5th grade: 89
6th grade: 93
7th grade: 96
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Week of 1/21/09
Happy Week to all!
We are continuing with organizational structure - we will be working on
also all classes will be given a Latin/Greek vocabulary/spelling packet, these words will be tested on Monday of next week. These packets will now be given on a weekly basis.
YES WE CAN -- We will be reading to chapter 9 this week and will have a quiz on 1 - 4.
Essay is due on Friday from study guide.
If you have any questions - please feel free to email me.
We are continuing with organizational structure - we will be working on
also all classes will be given a Latin/Greek vocabulary/spelling packet, these words will be tested on Monday of next week. These packets will now be given on a weekly basis.
YES WE CAN -- We will be reading to chapter 9 this week and will have a quiz on 1 - 4.
Essay is due on Friday from study guide.
If you have any questions - please feel free to email me.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Update for Week of 1/16!

I hope all you had a productive week! I know we did! We focused on Cause/Effect and Sequencing. We also stopped to talk about Martin Luther King and his dreams. We then followed up with our own DREAM CATCHER BOARD - students wrote down their dreams and attached them to our bulletin board. These dreams will stay up the entire month of January, I want to show the students you can start NOW fulfilling your dreams. Please see attached pictures - they will also be on the blog.
For those of you all who are so blessed to attend next week's historic events - your absences will be counted as excused as this is a very important historic and educational experience. I have asked all of my students to keep a journal of their experiences so they can share their voices from this momentous occasion.
For those of you all who are so blessed to attend next week's historic events - your absences will be counted as excused as this is a very important historic and educational experience. I have asked all of my students to keep a journal of their experiences so they can share their voices from this momentous occasion.
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Unit: Organizational Structure
All grades will be introduced to this new unit:
Organizational Structure.
Organizational Structure - is the way text (literature) is arranged.
IB Profile Attributes:
GPS Standards:
5R 1
This unit will encompass the following:
When reading, ask yourself the following: Why? --- (cause) What happened? --- (effect)
When reading ask yourself "What is the problem in the story?"
Ask "What attempts are made to solve the problems?"
Ask "When did things change? What happened to make the solution clear?"
Finally, ask "How was the problem solved?"
When reading ask yourself "What is similar about these things?" and "How are they different?"
Similar -- Compare
Different -- Contrast
As you read, think about what things have in common.
Think about how you would group these things together.
Think of a title or label for each group.
When you read, ask yourself "What happened first, then what happened after that?"
Look for the dates or signal words such as first, then, next, finally for clues to the sequence of events.
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