All grades will be introduced to this new unit:
Organizational Structure.
Organizational Structure - is the way text (literature) is arranged.
IB Profile Attributes:Knowledgeable
GPS Standards:5R 16R1(C)7R1(C)This unit will encompass the following:
Cause/EffectWhen reading, ask yourself the following: Why? --- (cause) What happened? --- (effect)
Problem/SolutionWhen reading ask yourself "What is the problem in the story?"
Ask "What attempts are made to solve the problems?"
Ask "When did things change? What happened to make the solution clear?"
Finally, ask "How was the problem solved?"
Compare/ContrastWhen reading ask yourself "What is similar about these things?" and "How are they different?"
Similar -- Compare
Different -- Contrast
CategorizingAs you read, think about what things have in common.
Think about how you would group these things together.
Think of a title or label for each group.
SequencingWhen you read, ask yourself "What happened first, then what happened after that?"
Look for the dates or signal words such as first, then, next, finally for clues to the sequence of events.