Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CRCT Prep Packets -- All Grade Levels!

Students will receive this week CRCT prep packets to complete over holiday break. These packets are to be completed and turned in on the first day after the break, we will go through each and every question together. These packets will count as two test grades and it is essential that they be completed.

Starting in January, I will issue usernames and passwords for the online CRCT testing system. I will create tests for your students to take and they will be able to see their scores and what they got wrong and how they can correct their mistakes. IF your student doesn't have internet capability at home, I will ensure they have time at school to take the test.

For extra credit, I'm giving all students the opportunity to read a NEW book over the holiday break and complete the book report form.

Please take this time over the holiday season to restock on supplies and reorganize notebooks. The key to success is organization!

Please feel free to email or call if you have any questions. If you haven't had a parent conference, please schedule one as soon as possible. I would like to meet with each and every one of you.

Thank you for your support! Have a blessed holiday season.

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