Tuesday, August 17, 2010

5th Grade Announcements!

*Meet and Greet forms are due, please turn them in.

*Classroom supplies from the supply list are still needed.

*Carpool ends at 3:30, please make arrangements to have your child picked up by 3:30 or he/she will be sent to Aftercare for an expense.

*The lockers will be distributed on Friday, locker rental fee is $5.00 and it will be refunded at the end of the school year with the return of the lock.

*The Noun Collage Project is due this Friday!

*The Class Novel is due in class by August 23rd. "Trouble Don't Last" by Shelley Pearsall. Please go to your local library or any bookstore.

*Please check the homework log daily until we have the agendas!

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