Monday, November 17, 2008

UPDATED! Weeks of 11/17 - 11/25

Happy Monday to ALL!

This week after the test on Figurative Language we will move into the other aspects of figurative language such as dialogue, dialect, readers theater and poetry. This unit is fun and exciting. I will update the blog this week after testing the specific activities your child is completing in class.

Students started on Wednesday writing their own poems. They have a format to follow. Homework is as follows:

5th BOYS: Complete "Wind" poem. Read to page 15 in Replay - work on projects due 11/25
5th GIRLS: Create poem - follow format. Create an illustration to match - read in Tuck Everlasting 10 -30 - Complete Worksheet.

7th GIRLS: Poems on based on their own subjects - poems must be written in black ink or typed and must be accompanied with an illustration. Girls: Finish Copper Sun - BOYS: Read chapter 1-2 of IYCS

Reading update:

All grade levels should have their NEW class novels - please see the blog if you need the title and author of your child's novels - remember you can always use the library! I did!

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