Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Newsletter Information

Homework for the holiday weekend:
Start working on SS project!
Reading "Trouble Don't Last" pages 66 - 71 please have your student complete the Reading Log.

Happy Holiday Weekend!

We had a great week! Please see the following announcements!

NEXT Week:
LA: 8 Parts of Speech (specifically, verbs, adjectives and adverbs REVIEW)
LA: 4 Types of Sentences
RD: Dramatic Literature (plays, REVIEW)
RD: Dialogue and Description
SS: Continuing... Civil War (Battles, Causes of the War, Differences between North and South)
** Narrative Writing First Essay Introduction**


NEXT NOVEL: "Sounder" by William Armstrong due in class by September 27th! This is an extremely popular novel, it is an award winning novel and a wonderful read! This book is readily available at B&N, Borders and the local library.

Civil War Project due on September 22nd - please see attachments in this email about project details.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough participation for TIMES NEWS FOR KIDS, if we don't get the participation by next Friday I will refund your money!

*PERMISSION SLIPS & FEES are due September 10th for the Atlanta History Museum field trip. Students are to be in perfect uniform and must bring a BAGGED LUNCH!

We are reading "Trouble Don't Last" by Shelley Pearsall. Students have a reading log that is placed in their reading folders for you to sign and track progress of the reading.

*FACIAL TISSUE from the supply list is needed!

*Students need their agenda's! Please purchase them from the office. The cost is $6.00.

*Meet and Greet forms are due, please turn them in.

*Carpool ends at 3:30, please make arrangements to have your child picked up by 3:30 or he/she will be sent to Aftercare for an expense.

*The lockers will be distributed on Friday, locker rental fee is $5.00 and it will be refunded at the end of the school year with the return of the lock.

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