Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday Notes 9/10

Happy Friday!

Homework for the weekend:
Please encourage your students to study their worksheets and notes from all subjects!
Finish Language Arts Packet.
Study for Civil War TEST on Thursday.
Continue working on SS project!
Reading "Trouble Don't Last" pages 102-114 please have your still complete the Reading Log. (Reading Log check on MONDAY!)

We had a great week! Please see the following announcements!

NEXT Week:
LA: 8 Parts of Speech (specifically, verbs and adverbs REVIEW)
LA: 4 Types of Sentences... Continuation (Pop Quiz this week)
RD: Dialogue and Description
SS: Continuing... Civil War (Battles, Causes of the War, Differences between North and South)
** Narrative Writing First Essay Introduction**


HALF DAY's are on WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY of next week! Students are dismissed at NOON!!! Parent Conferences sign up forms are being sent home today! Please return them on Monday!

STAR Reading reports are being sent home today! Please review, sign and return them.

ENGRADE online gradebook passwords are being sent home today for Mrs. Roberts. This is an online gradebook that you can access to check your student's progress. Gradebooks will updated at least once a week. Please contact me if you have any questions.

NEXT NOVEL: "Sounder" by William Armstrong due in class by September 27th! This is an extremely popular novel, it is an award winning novel and a wonderful read! This book is readily available at B&N, Borders and the local library.

Civil War Project due on September 22nd - please see attachments in this email about project details.

*PERMISSION SLIPS & FEES are due September 10th for the Atlanta History Museum field trip. Students are to be in perfect uniform and must bring a BAGGED LUNCH!

We are reading "Trouble Don't Last" by Shelley Pearsall. Students have a reading log that is placed in their reading folders for you to sign and track progress of the reading.

*FACIAL TISSUE from the supply list is needed!

*Students need their agenda's! Please purchase them from the office. The cost is $6.00.

*Carpool ends at 3:30, please make arrangements to have your child picked up by 3:30 or he/she will be sent to Aftercare for an expense.

*The lockers will be distributed on Friday, locker rental fee is $5.00 and it will be refunded at the end of the school year with the return of the lock.

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