Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mid Week Announcements

Good Day to you All!

Civil War quizzes came home today, please sign and return the quiz with quiz corrections!

Parents, we are still having problems with excessive tardies and absences! Did you know that this effects the overall status for the school in making AYP? We need your help, please have your student here on time ready for instruction!

Just a few reminders!

HALF DAY's are on WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY of this week! Students are dismissed at NOON!!!

STAR Reading reports were sent home last week! Please review, sign and return them.

ENGRADE online grade book passwords were sent home last week for Mrs. Roberts. This is an online grade book that you can access to check your student's progress. Grade books will updated at least once a week. Please contact me if you have any questions.

NEXT NOVEL: "Sounder" by William Armstrong due in class by September 27th! This is an extremely popular novel, it is an award winning novel and a wonderful read! This book is readily available at B&N, Borders and the local library.

Civil War Project due on September 22nd.

For the Atlanta History Museum field trip. Students are to be in perfect uniform and must bring a BAGGED LUNCH!

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